

Change Grow Live (STAR)

Our drug team helps people who need support for their drug use.

Our alcohol team helps people who need support for their alcohol use.


Coastal Wellbeing

In June 2020, ESRA renewed its partnership with Coastal Wellbeing to deliver WRAP training to ESRA staff, volunteers and clients. WRAP stands for Wellness in Recovery Action Planning, and it teaches personal responsibility for wellbeing in recovery. This has already been shown to improve resilience among the recovery community.

What does Coastal Wellbeing offer?


Lucy and Molly are both qualified person-centred counsellors and members of the BACP. They offer private practices in Denton, Newhaven and Lewes.

They offer counselling for anyone seeking support, short or long term. They also offer one-to-one WRAP.  There is more information about them and how they work on our counselling page.

Wellness Recovery Action Planning (WRAP):

We facilitate WRAP groups, run workshops and deliver WRAP Facilitator training. Our courses and workshops give people the opportunity to:

• Create their own WRAP®
• Develop self-awareness
• Build on existing strengths
• Learn new skills
• Enhance self-esteem and confidence
• Explore wellness at work
• Manage stress and health
• Discover wellbeing


East Sussex Veterans Hub

At East Sussex Veterans Hub, wellbeing is at the forefront of what we’re working together towards. Our programs and activities are designed to be a catalyst that helps community members reach their goals and fulfil their potential. Learn more about the positive impact we have and join us in bringing about positive changes.

Over 90% of ESVH clients with PTSD also experience drug or alcohol misuse. ESVH focuses on this ‘hard to reach’ group and those less likely to engage. Where appropriate, they refer clients to ESRA.

Education Futures Trust

EFT offer free courses for our clients.  So far they have been involved in bush craft, barista training and much more.


One You

Last year, 24 ESRA clients had free NHS health checks during 3 drop-ins.


Professional Referrals and Relationships

At ESRA we regularly work with the following professional bodies to safeguard and support our clients:

  • Adult Social Care
  • Wellbeing Centre
  • Probation Service
  • Police (eg for safeguarding concerns and welfare checks)
  • Hastings Borough Council
  • Woodlands Hospital
  • Staying Well


Partner With Us

We are always looking for partnership opportunities with like-minded charities and agencies.

Get in touch

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